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Xtend 2022 - For ICME Students

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ICME Xtend is an event custom-tailored for ICME students and our partner organizations. Unlike any other career event offered on campus, Xtend is designed to introduce you directly to hiring managers from our affiliates and partners including start-ups, national labs, and industry.


Take advantage of this opportunity to:

  • Meet ICME's partner companies who are interested in recruiting you for internships and/or full-time positions
  • Talk with recruiters who understand ICME student skills and strengths
  • Network and learn more about post-ICME careers
  • Hone your resume writing and interviewing skills


Key Dates
Sept. 25 Students send resume to ICME Confirm participation by responding to survey here
Oct. 4-7 Company Info Sessions Participating companies give an overview of the company, what they do, and describe their job openings.
Oct. 3 Students submit interview preferences Let us know which companies you are interested in interviewing with here
Oct. 26 Participating students receive individual interview schedule Personalized schedule will include interviewers' names and companies, appointment time slots, and locations.
Nov. 3 Xtend Day! Networking breakfast from 9-10AM.  Scheduled interviews from 10AM-12PM and 1-5PM.  Possibility for ad-hoc interviews too! Reception follows.